Monday, November 18, 2013

Reese Puff Muffins???

         Hiiiiii! Okay so not the healtiest of treats but my kids LOVE Reese anything, so I finally gave in and bought this. I'm not usually the bake from a box type but when you have kids you do crazy things. So I'm not really a huge fan of the cereal or anything Reese but it was okay. To me this was more of a cupcake then a muffin, taste wise, sweetness wise and of course calorie wise. The kids loved them so mission accomplished. The back of the box says 170 calories each....with little nutritional value, I won't be buying them again least for this year. But it served its purpose as a treat. And little Emmett got to help make them. :) We found them at Walmart in the baking section if you are a Reese lover too! Enjoy! Xx

In the process. You put the batter in and then they've included a "streusel" for the top. 


Finished product took about 13 mins at 425*

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