Friday, November 29, 2013

Thank You!

           Hiiiiiii! Hope you all are enjoying your challenges!! Ab challenge and Squats challenge. I know I am DYING!!!  Also if you haven't started yet it is never too late!!!! I know a lot of you have Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to work off so get on it! 
             I have been noticing I have a lot of readers from a variety of different countries and just wanted to make sure you all know I have the Google Translate Bar on the right hand side of my blog! All you do is choose your preferred language and click translate! And my entire blog translates itself! I previously had the bar on the bottom right hand side but I have now moved it to the top so you guys can find it quicker. I hope this helps! 
            It has only been 2 weeks since my blog has been live and I am overwhelmed with all the emails and support I am getting! I have even had a Senior Editor from a beauty company contact me all the way from NEW YORK to have little old me help her with her page!! Amazing! Thank you to each and every one of you who have given me your time to read what I have to say! It means the world!!! Also don't forget to follow me on Twitter! Thanks again! You guys are awesome! Xx

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