Thursday, February 06, 2014


Ahhhh! I just found out that I WON the February #justfabit contest with my picture of Turlington in Champagne and Raven!!! They are both from the LUXE line at Justfab Canada/Justfab USA! Check out my articles on each of them!!! They are amazing!!! Here is the picture I entered!! 

#justfabit is easy to enter, just fill out the form on facebook OR enter through Instagram. Choose a picture that you love of any Justfab style and make sure it has the hashtag "justfabit". And that is it, you are entered!! It is a weekly draw and you win a credit!!! (I saw that they said they are continuing in March so maybe it will be monthly from now on, or maybe just because they have the 4 year anniversary contest right now they are taking a break!) 

Thanks so much Justfab Canada/Justfab USA! I finally won something!!! And thank you to the 900+ People that have "liked" my picture!! Find my entry =====>Here! Don't forget to follow me on InstagramTwitter and like my page on Facebook!! Xx!

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