Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Changing Your Body!

Hi! Happy Wednesday!! Today's is the first day back for ballet and skating for my kiddies! If only the weather were warmer!! I am excited to get them back into the swing of things.

Today is DAY 8 of the 30 day 2014 squats challenge!/Squats Challenge and DAY 3 of the 90 day BIKINI BODY MOMMY CHALLENGE! Check them out if you haven't already!! This is the first time I am doing the BBM 90 day challenge but I have done the squats challenge before and lost 2 inches off of each of my thighs! I am excited to see my body change with both of these challenges in 2014! 

It is hard work! Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results! Also keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you step on the scale and realize you haven't lost very much, you may have just gained some muscle! 

Also check in to what you are putting into your body! This year so far I have cut out soda! Check out my article here====> NO MORE PEPSI :(    (I also haven't had any alcohol, yet, but no promises on how long I will abstain from that!) I also am trying to cut down on carbs and eat cleaner. If I have to eat bread, I make sure it is whole grain or something less refined, something that will take my body a longer time to digest and I try to eat that for lunch! 
I am trying to limit my coffee to only in the morning. For me, that is soooo hard!!! Here is an example of what I had for lunch yesterday, a yummy fresh salad with a tablespoon of feta and oregano dressing and half of a turkey, baked bacon club on rye! I also try to eat my big meals for lunch so my body has time to burn through the calories throughout the rest of the day!
(This was hubby's, mine had only half the sandwich and lots more salad, tomatoes in my salad, and a lot less dressing but you get the picture)  

Hang in there guys! The first week of January is already over! Let's keep up with our hard work so it can pay off for us in the bikini season!! Get sweating! Xx 

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